Accelerated Profit Advising

For the entrepreneur with goals to reach their next million+ in revenue while working fewer hours.


 Does your current business model have what it takes to scale by $1 million, $3 million, or even $5 million in yearly revenue?


Our accelerated profit advising service is for the entrepreneur driven to reach new heights.

Our professional advisors learn about your goals, look at your financial and operational data, and guide your business to a model that is prepared to scale to limitless heights.



Are you currently facing...

  • Uncertainty in where to focus for the most significant business results.

  • The limitations of your time, energy, and resources.

  • A loss of business vision and clarity.

  • Uncertainty about how to use your financial and operational data to make better decisions.

  • Uncertainty of the impacts of possible economic downturn.

  • A desire for a higher take-home pay while working fewer hours.

We created our Accelerated Profit Advising to help you:

  • Increase the efficiency of your business operations so you can increase your bottom line.

  • Understand which of your products or services adds the most to your bottom line.

  • Uncover which employees are most and least profitable so you can adjust operations accordingly.

  • Determine which clients or customer groups are most and least profitable so you can make better business expansion decisions.

  • Increase your take-home pay without adding more to your workload.

  • Release some of your duties within the business so you can spend more time with your family and friends.

  • Set up proper procedures and systems so you can have total confidence in your team's ability to build a thriving business without your 24/7 presence.

  • Price your product and services in today’s economy.

  • Identify the best part of your business to work on first and implement a step-by-step plan to start scaling immediately.

  • Troubleshoot and solve your largest operations and financial challenges in real time with weekly 1:1 advising sessions.

How our profit advising works

We build scalable business models ready to rapidly accelerate your profits with a simple 3-step guided process:

A clear picture of your current business model.

Setting your targets and preparing for your custom accelerated growth plan.

12 weeks to your first growth milestones.

Step One: A clear picture of your current business model

Our experienced advisors get a clear picture of how you and your business are currently operating. We look behind the scenes at your numbers, employee and organizational structures, and your role as the leader of your business.

This is not a coaching situation where you bring problems to the table, and we give general advice. We actively help you uncover and pinpoint the areas that can make the biggest difference for your bottom line and scalability.

Our lead CPA has worked with hundreds of businesses from the start-up phase to 9 figures and specializes in high-level strategy. Our advising services aren’t fluffy advice. We go behind the scenes INTO your business, create actions and troubleshoot with you to implement the priorities that are best for your business.

Step Two: Setting your targets and preparing for your custom accelerated growth plan

Our advisors guide you in setting meaningful goals by discussing how your business goals support your personal goals. You work hard and deserve to live the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of. We seek to understand your personal goals and listen.

We ask questions like:

  • What do you want your daily life to look like?

  • What would you like your take-home pay to be?

  • When would you like to retire?

  • What lifestyle do you desire to live?

  • Do you have a business exit plan?

  • What personal life changes would you like to make, and how can we use your business as a tool to help you reach your personal goals?

Step Three: 12 weeks to your first growth milestones

Our advisors will create your custom 12-week plan and begin guiding you to implement the changes best for your business so you can achieve expedited and focused results. We pair this plan with weekly advising sessions to ensure you are on target for expedited results. Our weekly advising sessions also allow the opportunity for questions, review of financial progress, and further support to implement your accelerated growth plan.

Our customized 12-week plan is designed to begin transforming your business model so you can reach your next million+ dollar goals and beyond! We consider your objectives, business financials, and most prominent organizational challenges as we curate weekly actions to implement in your business.

Focusing on one area at a time relieves stress, expedites results, and decreases the pressures of a full plate many of our clients face.

Is your business prepared for limitless revenue?

We help you to achieve massive scalable growth without adding more to your plate.



Our Accelerated Profit Advising clients have:

  • Remarkable personality traits, drive, charity, talents, and capabilities

  • Accomplished $1 million in revenue per year (many beyond $5 million yearly in revenue)

  • Multiple businesses or investments in their portfolio

  • A desire to expand their vision further and faster without sacrificing their personal life

  • Full schedules and a need for knowledgeable experts to give them the guidance and results they need in the least amount of time possible

Our advising spots are an intensive use of our team's time and energy, so we only take on a limited set of clients at one time.

To apply for our next available spot, please fill out this short questionnaire, and we’ll set up a discovery call with you.

  • Getting Started is easy.

    1. Fill out the application.

    2. We will contact you to schedule a free consult phone/zoom call.

    3. We will send a proposal/quote customized to the needs of your business.

  • Our services are designed to save you time. We help you create systems and find ways to become more efficient and impactful with your time. We will encourage you to complete weekly strategy sessions. These meetings will help you focus on maximum weekly results and are well worth your time. We also offer implementation services to take various projects off your hands.

  • We are a USA-based company that takes pride in our direct contact and client relationships. We are a small advising firm; you won’t be just another project. Each client will receive a CPA and business advisor. Our experts will get to know your business and feel like an extension of your team.

Your future is decided by the decisions you make and the actions you take.