Advanced Business Scaling

Build financial freedom with a business that operates independently of you.

Are you ready to create the systems, culture, and team that allows you to generate higher profits while working fewer working hours?

Did you know that a business that operates without the owner has a higher value than the business where the owner is the essential lynch-pin?

As business owners, we are always dreaming of the next level. Surprisingly, reaching the next level of success and scaling to new heights often requires building a business that relies less on you.


Do you currently feel...

  • It’s hard to balance your dual goals of business growth and personal freedom.

  • Swamped with responsibilities and little reward after years of hard work.

  • You simply can’t work harder; there are no more hours left in the week.

  • You have to sacrifice things you cherish in life for the success of your business.

  • You deserve greater take-home pay.

  • A little trapped by the business that was supposed to free you.

  • It’s difficult to make the business less dependent on you.

You’re not alone. It’s hard to step away from the daily grind of it all when the business is dependent on you.

We are here to help you create an owner-independent business by:

  • Creating a strategic long-term map so you can confidently guide operations.

  • Building a foundation of systems and processes that carry more of the workload, so you don’t have to shoulder it all.

  • Reducing your work time throughout the journey. This will be implemented in a transitional way that will set you and your team up for success!

  • Increasing profitability while building a strong team that makes decisions without you always being there.

  • Growing profitability to multiply the value of your business so you can reach your personal financial freedom goals.

  • Creating accountability systems for key leaders and employees so you can have peace of mind every day.

  • Focusing on the transition of responsibilities to key team members, so they are set up for success, and you feel proud of the hand-off in duties.

  • Aligning your goals and priorities for success, so the system you create grows your business and supports your lifestyle.

Our strategic business advisors have more than 30 years of experience working with entrepreneurs from start-ups to nine-figure businesses.

Moving from working in the business to owning a business that doesn’t rely on you isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

We make it easier with our guided plan and implementation process.

We understand all stages of a growing business, and we are here to help our clients make the transition to financial and time freedom.

Here’s how our 3-step Advanced Business Scaling guided process works:

Step One: A clear picture of your current business model

Our experienced advisors get a clear picture of how you and your business are currently operating. We look behind the scenes at your numbers, employee and organizational structures, and your role as the leader of your business.

This is not a coaching situation where you bring problems to the table, and we give general advice. Instead, we actively help you uncover and pinpoint the areas that can make the biggest difference for your bottom line and scalability.

Our lead CPA has worked with hundreds of businesses from start-up phase to 9-figures and specializes in high-level strategy. Our advising services aren’t fluffy advice. We go behind the scenes INTO your business, create actions and troubleshoot with you to implement the priorities that are best for your business.

Step Two: Setting your targets and preparing for your custom accelerated growth plan

Our advisors guide you in setting meaningful goals by discussing how your business goals support your personal goals. You work hard and deserve to live the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of. We seek to understand your personal goals and listen.

We ask questions like:

  • What do you want your daily life to look like?

  • What would you like your take-home pay to be?

  • What roles do you currently play in your business?

  • What roles do your key employees play?

  • What systems do you have in place?

  • What power checks and balances do you have in place to protect your assets and the quality of the product or service?

  • When would you like to retire?

  • What lifestyle do you desire to live?

  • Do you have a business exit plan?

  • What personal life changes would you like to make, and how can we use your business as a tool to help you reach your personal goals?

Step Three: 12 weeks to your first growth milestones

Our advisors will create your custom 12-week plan and begin guiding you to implement the changes best for your business so you can achieve expedited and focused results. We pair this plan with weekly advising sessions to ensure you are on target for expedited results. Our weekly advising sessions also allow the opportunity for questions, review of financial progress, and further support and feedback.

Our customized 12-week plan is designed to begin transforming your business model so you can be the owner of a business that scales and creates time freedom! We consider your objectives, business financials, and most prominent organizational challenges as we curate weekly actions to implement in your business.

Focusing on one area at a time relieves stress, expedites results, and decreases the pressures of a full plate many of our clients face. Making this transition can feel overwhelming when you don’t have a clear system in place. We take the process one step and a time and set our clients up for a smooth life and business transformation.

Leverage a business advisor to work with you to create a strategic plan and create accountability to move forward.


Our advising spots are an intensive use of our team's time and energy, so we only take on a limited set of clients at one time.

To apply for our next available spot, please fill out this short questionnaire, and we’ll set up a discovery call with you.