National Business Women’s Week

This week we recognize and honor the achievements of working women. In 2020, women made up 50.04% of the workforce. To honor all of the working women, I wanted to highlight some of the advantages women bring to the workplace.

Intuition — Women often have a “gut feeling” about things and most of the time, this intuition results in women making good business decisions.

Willingness to make a mistake — Most women do not believe they know it all. They are willing to ask questions such as, “How can this be better?” and are usually more forgiving and more positive when facing mistakes.

Valuing a team — In business, women are more willing to share the glory and to voice the value of their team in reaching goals. Valuing a team is often shown as developing relationships within the team and providing a listening environment so everyone feels their contributions are valued.

Positivity and optimism — For most women, the glass is always half full, rather than half empty. This attitude means that women are more likely to manage a crisis well and to learn something from the situation. In addition, a positive work culture means the team is more connected and wants to do succeed.

Superb management — A woman’s management style tends to be more empathic while also being extremely organized. From taking care of a family, to creating streamlined workflow, and to managing a team, women use their diverse organizational and problem-solving skills to manage their teams.


Thank you to all women who use their skills, abilities, and knowledge to make the business world a better place — the world is better because of you!



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